EPA opens $232M for Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund grants
Applications are due by November 14, 2024
Announcement Type: Notice of Funding Opportunity
Overview and Eligible Uses: Revolving Loan Funds (RLF) provide no-interest or low-interest loans for eligible brownfield cleanups, subgrants for cleanups, and other necessary programmatic costs to manage the RLF. Applications are evaluated based on how well the applicant demonstrates: a clear vision for the cleanup, reuse, and redevelopment of brownfield sites and a strategy to leverage resources to achieve this vision; the environmental, social, health, and economic needs and benefits of the target area(s); strong community engagement; reasonable costs, eligible tasks, and appropriate use of grant funding; the capacity to manage and implement the cooperative agreement successfully; and other relevant factors.
This is the fourth round of funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda to assess and clean up polluted brownfield sites nationwide. These new grants will promote environmental justice and transform formerly polluted, vacant, and abandoned properties into community assets, driving economic revitalization in underserved areas.
EPA anticipates awarding an estimated 15 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants for an estimated total of $15 million
Consistent with the direction on cost sharing in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the 20% cost share is waived for all applicants
Award Type: Cooperative Agreement
Eligible Applicants:
General Purpose Unit of Local Government
Land Clearance Authority or another quasi-governmental entity that operates under the supervision and control of, or as an agent of, a General Purpose Unit of Local Government
Government Entity Created by State Legislature
Regional Council established under governmental authority or group of General Purpose Units of Local Government established under Federal, state, or local law
Redevelopment Agency that is chartered or otherwise sanctioned by a state
Federally recognized Indian Tribe other than in Alaska
Alaska Native Regional Corporation, Alaska Native Village Corporation, and Metlakatla Indian Community
Nonprofit organization
Limited liability corporation in which all managing members are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or limited liability corporations whose sole members are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Limited partnership in which all general partners are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations or limited liability corporations whose sole members are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Qualified community development entity
Key Dates: The closing date and time for receipt of applications is November 14, 2024, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET).
Key Links:
For a full list of currently available grant programs under the Infrastructure Law and other helpful tools, take a look at our Helpful Resources page.
This tracker will continue to send updates when new funding opportunities are announced.