DOE Opens Notice of Intent to Issue for Advancing Technology Development for Securing a Domestic Supply of Critical Minerals and Materials (CMM)
Announcement Type: Notice of Intent (NOI) to Issue
Opportunity: CMM Funding Third Quarter of Calendar Year 2024
Overview and Eligible Uses: This Notice of Intent provides a high-level draft plan to support DOE’s current vision to secure diverse, resilient, domestic CMM supply chains by expanding the Critical Minerals and Materials Program to fund additional processing research and development (R&D) for the recovery and refining of CMM, as required for critical supply chain use. The overall objectives of the anticipated FOA will be to (1) continue to advance CMM technology development, not only in the area of new advanced separation and recovery concepts, but also to (2) expand and improve process systems development, optimization, and efficiency, and to (3) improve CMM process system economic feasibility and align production costs with existing market sectors, and to (4) produce CMM from multiple, diverse feedstocks, including recycled materials. These objectives will be achieved by focusing R&D efforts on (a) coproduction of REE, other CMM, and non-fuel industrial carbon products from unconventional coal- and carbon-based feedstocks, (b) new technology development for the recovery from unconventional feedstocks of individual heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and other CMM deemed most critical, (c) separation and recovery of CMM from produced water especially oil and gas produced water, and (d) production of mixed rare earth oxides or salts (MREO/MRES) from multiple, diverse feedstocks including recycled materials, with the option of coproduction of other CMM or value-added materials.
Amount: To be Determined
Award Type: Cooperative Agreement
Eligible Applicants: To be Determined
Key Dates: The FOA is anticipated to be issued in the third quarter of calendar year 2024.
Key Links:
Notice of Intent NETL eXCHANGE
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